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Animals That Will Kill You
National Geographic Wild

Top Animals That Most Likely will Kill You
Top Animals That Most Likely To Kill You


Wild animals kill thousands of people every day – and the most dangerous creatures may not be what you think. From Bengal tigers to elephants to mosquitos, animals can kill in a multitude of ways. Predators are obvious killers, but others defend their territory, attack in self-defense, or kill by sheer accident. Wildlife experts break down some of the most revealing attacks caught on tape to expose what animals kill the most people, how they kill, and why.



The Most Extreme - Strength


Get pumped, because we're raising the bar on the strongest animals on the planet. Which animal will make it to the top spot? Will it be the gorilla that lifts the equivalent of two cars, or perhaps the bird that can carry four times its own weight?


What does it take to change the world? Historically, change has usually been slow-moving and methodical, taking hundreds of years for even incremental advances to be seen. But over the past century, things have shifted, and that trend has reversed to the point where some forms of change now come at breakneck speed. Just look at our personal computing devices as an example. Our cell phones, laptops, tablets, and other devices come out to great fanfare one day, only to be labeled as obsolete and clunky after only a few months.


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